Cleaning Tips for Braces
With braces, it is more important than ever to keep your teeth and gums their healthiest. Braces and other orthodontic appliances create more opportunities for food particles and bacteria to collect and thrive. Getting braces requires adopting a new oral hygiene routine and good habits that promote the healthiest environment for your teeth and gums. As braces are […]
Braces and Cavities: Great Oral Hygiene and Prevention
Many people who wear braces, both adults and children, tend to forget about general oral hygiene. It’s harder to brush your teeth, as a large portion of them are covered with metal. Then, there are the rubber bands, the tightening wires, and other wires that make it even more difficult to brush, floss, and keep your mouth clean […]
Today’s Adult Has the Option of Invisalign Clear Aligners
Today, many adults would love to straighten their teeth but feel they are too old for treatment. Yet, their teeth make them feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. Invisalign clear aligners for adults are a welcome orthodontic treatment when it comes to straightening teeth. Unlike the stigma of wearing braces in some adults, adult Invisalign clear aligners are discreet and […]
Traditional Braces vs Invisalign: Which is Better?
So the dentist says it’s time for your child to get braces, or maybe you’ve decided to improve your own smile. Either way, investing in orthodontic work is a big decision and a big investment, so only natural for the “braces vs Invisalign” question to to come up. Orthodontic treatment options have come a long way in recent […]
Adults And Braces
It used to be that when we’d think about braces, the image that came to mind was that of a “tween,” but in recent decades, that image has become somewhat outdated. That’s because these days nearly as many adults as kids are spending time in the orthodontist’s chair. In fact, according to the American Association of Orthodontists, the […]
Adult Orthodontics Are Always In Style!
Over the years, orthodontics and treatments have changed. They are not just for teenagers anymore. Though braces are usually recommended in adolescence, more adults are now turning to orthodontists to fix issues with their teeth that were not addressed when they were young. Gardner Orthodontics treats patients of all ages, with all types of orthodontic issues. As a […]
Orthodontic Treatment for Adults
Think you’re too old to get braces? Think again! It’s never too late to get the straight, confident smile you’ve always dreamed about. These days more and more of orthodontic patients are adults. Most people want a great smile, and as adults we understand that it can make a great difference not only in our personal but also our professional lives. Adults who […]