5 Home Care Hacks for Clear Aligners

5 Home Care Hacks for Clear Aligners At Gardner and La Rochelle Orthodontics, we do our best to remain available for orthodontic emergencies. Please call our office if you think you are experiencing an orthodontic emergency. We don’t want you to feel like you’re on your own when it comes to your orthodontic treatment. That being said, sometimes

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Hey Runners! Pay Special Attention To Your Oral Health

Hey Runners! Pay Special Attention To Your Oral Health We know that exercise is very important for both our mental and physical health. However, have you thought about the effects of running on your oral health? While those two things may seem unrelated, they’re actually not. Fear not, Dr. Graham Gardner, Dr. Natalie La Rochelle, and Dr. Dana

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5 Tips for Teaching Kids How to Brush

5 Tips for Teaching Kids How to Brush Good oral hygiene is a crucial part of a person’s health. Thus, it is imperative that parents help teach their kids not only to brush their teeth twice a day but also how to do so effectively. Rather than making it a chore, try to make cleaning their teeth a

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4 Surprising Foods that Can Cause Bad Breath

4 Surprising Foods that can Cause Bad Breath Everyone knows that garlic and onions are the usual culprits for bad breath. But do you know what other foods may be causing your stinky breath? For some people, bad breath can be genetic. However, whether you’re wearing braces or not, certain foods in your daily routine could be to

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3 Common Speech Problems Orthodontics Can Help

3 Common Speech Problems Orthodontics Can Help How we communicate through speech is a crucial part of our daily lives. Did you know that the alignment of your teeth can affect your speech? If you’re struggling with certain elements of speech, it could be attributed to your teeth. Keep reading to learn more about different speech problems and

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5 Ways Your Smile Changes As You Age

5 Ways Your Smile Changes As You Age Getting older isn’t a favorite topic of conversation, but it is important to understand how the body changes as it ages so you can continue to live a happy and healthy life as you grow older. One thing that changes as you age that people don’t often think about is

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Some Pointers for Poking Wires

Some Pointers for Poking Wires We know that having metal in your mouth doesn’t always feel like the most natural thing. Fortunately, after you get your braces on and have your initial adjustment, most people don’t even notice their braces are there. However, sometimes a pesky wire will escape and remind you that your braces are there. Have

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5 Reasons to Smile

5 Reasons to Smile There are a lot of reasons you should be flashing those pearly whites more often – smiling is good for your health! According to Psychology Today, when you smile you activate neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness. It is important to find reasons to smile and be grateful for all the lessons

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Are Your Braces Triggering Your Canker Sores?

Are Your Braces Triggering Your Canker Sores? A few weeks into orthodontic treatment, you notice a tingling or burning sensation in your mouth. A few days later, canker sores appear. Fortunately, canker sores are not often a serious issue, but they sure can be annoying! These small ulcers can pop up in your mouth and on the inside

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Surviving Date Night with Braces

Surviving Date Night with Braces Date night can be a nerve-wracking experience. From what to wear, where to go, what to talk about, the numerous variables of date night can wreak havoc on what should be a fun experience. You don’t want your braces to be another source of worry, and they don’t have to be! With a

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