The Top 3 Best Drinks For Your Teeth

The Top 3 Best Drinks For Your Teeth While it may seem like water is your only beverage option, fear not. There are a few drinks still available to quench your thirst without affecting your orthodontic treatment. Milk  Not only can it help build strong bones, but milk is a great source of calcium. Calcium helps to repair

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Rubber Bands for Braces, Explained

Elastics for Braces, Explained. Whether you’ve had orthodontic treatment or not, you’ve seen people wearing elastics or rubber bands as part of the process. But do you know what they’re used for? To help give you a better idea of why rubber bands are used with metal or clear braces, we’ll explain what they are, why they’re used,

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Custom vs. Store-bought Mouthguards

Should My Mouthguard Be Custom or Store Bought? Anyone participating in a sport should wear a mouthguard to protect their teeth. This is especially important for anyone undergoing orthodontic treatment. Braces and wires can damage the mouth if you receive a ball to the face. Many people ask whether it is necessary to invest in a custom-fit mouthguard

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Gag Reflex and Orthodontic Treatment

6 Orthodontic Tips for a Sensitive Gag Reflex Having a sensitive gag reflex is nothing to be embarrassed about. Additionally, it is not something that should deter you from seeking orthodontic treatment. Those with a sensitive gag reflex can get frustrated, but it is certainly something that can be worked with while undergoing orthodontic treatment. Orthodontists, like Dr.

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It’s More Than Cosmetics

We see plenty of folks who are simply looking to improve their smile. They may, perhaps, have a small gap between their incisors. Most people won’t even notice or care, but there it is, staring back at them every morning in the mirror. Maybe their canines are slightly forward, giving them a sort of “fanged” look. Again, it’s

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Office Dog

A Clean Smile is a Beautiful Smile

Getting braces can offer many benefits: It’s easier to chew food; it creates a healthier bite for a lifetime; it can help boost self-esteem. But achieving that beautiful smile begins and ends at the same place: Good Dental Hygiene.

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Invisalign-upgraded-Richmond-VA Gardner & La Rochelle Orthodontics in Richmond, VA

Why Settle for Less?

We like going to Panera because their product is really good, and we know what to expect. Invisalign® is our aligner of choice for much the same reason.

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3 doctors consulting Gardner & La Rochelle Orthodontics in Richmond, VA

The Team Approach

Each of our patients gets the benefit of utilizing the experiences of each of our doctors. They share one giant education and decades of experience to create one “Super Orthodontist!”

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