The Invisalign Process Explained
Are you considering Invisalign clear aligners? As an alternative to traditional braces, Invisalign is becoming increasingly popular with adults and teens. Invisalign is a clear, custom-made aligner, used to move and align teeth for better health and a great smile. It is changed approximately every two weeks for about six to 18 months, depending upon the severity of […]
Dr. Gardner Wins Top 10 In National Invisalign Competition
Gardner Orthodontics is pleased and proud to announce that Dr. Graham Gardner has been nationally recognized for his outstanding work with Invisalign in a national Invisalign competition. Dr. Gardner won this recognition during the national Invisalign Complex Case Shoot Out, which takes place annually during the Invisalign Ortho Summit. The Summit is an annual training and education seminar […]
Adults And Braces
It used to be that when we’d think about braces, the image that came to mind was that of a “tween,” but in recent decades, that image has become somewhat outdated. That’s because these days nearly as many adults as kids are spending time in the orthodontist’s chair. In fact, according to the American Association of Orthodontists, the […]
Gardner Orthodontics Achieves An Invisalign Milestone!
Gardner Orthodontics is proud to announce that Dr. Gardner has officially treated over 2700 Invisalign cases and reached an Invisalign milestone! The Invisalign® clear aligner system is designed to be a discreet, nearly invisible option for tooth alignment. The Invisalign option allows patients to gain the benefits of orthodontic treatment without having to wear conspicuous metal brackets and […]
Mail Order Orthodontics and Their Patients
Many patients have questions about “mail order braces” and their ability to straighten teeth without an orthodontist. Dr. Gardner of Gardner Orthodontics want to share this response from the American Academy of Orthodontists (AAO). The AAO response provided below states that patients need an established provider relationship before receiving services from mail order dentists. For more information about […]
Adult Orthodontics Are Always In Style!
Over the years, orthodontics and treatments have changed. They are not just for teenagers anymore. Though braces are usually recommended in adolescence, more adults are now turning to orthodontists to fix issues with their teeth that were not addressed when they were young. Gardner Orthodontics treats patients of all ages, with all types of orthodontic issues. As a […]
7 Myths About Orthodontic Treatment and All the Facts!
The American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) make it their mission to educate the public about the benefits of orthodontic treatment. The misconceptions about orthodontists and their role in helping people achieve and maintain good oral health really are unfounded, and we, in conjunction with the AAO, want to address some of them so that our patients can be […]
Propel is now Being Offered in our Offices at Gardner Orthodontics
Gardner Orthodontics is excited to announce that we will now offer the Propel line of products, including the VPro5™ and the Excellerator™ Series of drivers, in both of our Richmond offices. The Propel line of products offers both at-home and in-office options. The VPro5 aligner seater can be used at home or on the go in just 5 […]
Join us in welcoming Dr La Rochelle to our practice!
Welcome, Dr. Natalie La Rochelle! Gardner Orthodontics is excited to announce the addition of Dr. Natalie La Rochelle to our team! Dr. La Rochelle joins us from the West Coast, all the way from Napa, California. She considers orthodontics the best job in the world, and she feels lucky to spend time with children and adults and watch […]
Top Benefits of Adult Orthodontic Treatment
As an adult, you might think that your options for having your teeth fixed are limited. You might think orthodontics are just for teenagers, but this not so. Many adults choose to have orthodontic treatments done later in life, and there are many benefits of adult orthodontic treatment. These are a few reasons why it is never too […]